Monday, 28 September 2009

5.3 Shot list

Whilst opening sequence is playing there is going to be a voice over of what is coming up in the show. with images and videos of the stories, with headings below them.

Main Headline:
  1. Focus pull of camera moving towards the news anchor. Leading to a close up/mid shot of anchor at news desk.
  2. Cut to a brief report on the main headline and then a 'live' feed of interviewing people associated with the headline story. During the interviews there will be a close up on the faces of the people being interviewed. Following this, there will be a interactive board used to show figures on the main headline, with a voiceover that will acquire them or the anchor telling the audience the figures whilst seated.
Second News Report:
  1. Close up again on anchor, with framing so that an image of the news story can be seen on part of the screen either to the left or right of the anchor.
  2. A report follows this with images, videos, facts and figure about the story. Whilst mostly using a voiceover to get the news across to the audience.
  3. This is then followed by an interview with people, giving points of view on the story, associated with the story, using close ups as the main camera shots.
Third News Report:
  1. As there is another close up on the anchor, this time it is with a voiceover and just images and video of the report.
  2. Images fade in and out on screen, along with figures based around the story.
  3. May include a very short report on the story with an interview with someone associated with the story or just a report on the story from the reporter.
Final News Report:
  1. Cut back to anchor from the last report for the final news report.
  2. Includes a very short report on the story with video of the area which is being reported on. Also include a voiceover from the anchor on the report.
  3. May include figures on the interactive board or just on an image from the report.
Camera will cut to a screen displaying results of the football, and may include a piece on the leisure centre with a reporter describing events taking place at the centre.

For the weather there will be a brief voiceover of what the upcoming days will look like with images of the weather conditions on screen.

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